Beetle Kill Pine


Beetle Kill Pine, also known as Blue Stain Pine. It is the result of blue stain fungus that spreads from bark beetles to Lodgepole Pine, Douglas Fir, and Whitebark Pine trees. The result? A bluish or grayish discoloration of the wood. The blue stain pine fungus works symbiotically with the beetles by turning the tree

Beetle Kill Pine2019-06-04T00:33:53+00:00

Custom Cabinetry


Custom Cabinetry Beyond Moonlight Construction offers custom cabinetry of the highest standard. We provide detailed design and layout, specialized hardware, following exact specifications. Our built-ins and cabinets can be tailor-made to fit any space or room. They can go floor-to-ceiling on a plain wall or built to wrap fireplaces or TV niches. Like our drawer cabinets,

Custom Cabinetry2018-04-16T19:18:13+00:00